United People in Christ
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart...You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-40)
Your Tax deductible donations have helped your needy brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East. What better way to celebrate the real meaning of devotion, than to help a needy Christian that you do not even know.
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Distribution of Funds (2006)
Since its inception 8 years ago in November 1998, United People in Christ have collected $164,030.62 and distributed $148,088.50 of it so far to our needy brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East.
Experts say that the way to tell whether a Charity is a good one or not, is to look at the amount of contributions that go to administrative expenses and the commitment of the board of Directors. For the past 8 years, we continue to spend less than 10% on administrative expenses
Your total donations for 2006 so far have totaled $37,500.00.
The distribution of funds in 2006 were as follows:
$6,000.00 - Coptic Care
$1,000.00 - Bishop Tadros for poor and needy Christians of Port Saied
$1,000.00 - St. Mary's and Archangel Michael Coptic
$8,000.00 - Total
$6,000.00 Christian Iraqi Refugees.
$2,000.00 - Jerusalem Orthodox Church
$1,000.00 - Shepherd's Field Evangelical Church
$3,000.00 - Total
$4,000.00 - Oxilia of Lebanon
$2,000.00 - Several Charities caring for the less fortunate
$6,000.00 - Total
$3,000-00 - Via the Bethlehem Association to the poor and needy Christians in Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour.
$3,000.00 - Via The Voice of the Martyrs.
$500.00 - Shekinah Fellowship and World Vision
$3,500.00 - Total
$6,000.00 - Via St. Vincent de Paul in Damascus to be distributed to 25 families @ $20.00 per month, per family for one year.
$1,000.00 - Via St. Vincent de Paul in Allepo
$1,000.00 - Via St. Vincent de Paul in Hasake
$8,000.00 - Total
Distribution of Funds (2005)
Since its inception 7 years ago in November 1998, United People in Christ have collected $134,079.62 and distributed $111,329.88 of it so far to our needy brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East.
Experts say that the way to tell whether a Charity is a good one or not, is to look at the amount of contributions that go to administrative expenses and the commitment of the board of Directors. For the past 7 years, we continue to spend less than 10% on administrative expenses
Your total donations for 2005 so far have totaled $35,171.80.
The distribution of funds in 2005 were as follows:
$3,000.00 - St. Mary's and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church.
$250.00 - Archangel Michael Coptic Care.
$3,250.00 - Total
$2,940.00 Christian Iraqi Refugees.
$1,000.00 - Shepherd's Field Evangelical Church, Jerusalem.
$1,000.00 - Grigorious Church Lady of the Seas, Haifa.
$2,000.00 - Total
$2,000.00 - Citaritas of Lebanon
$4,600.00 - Jesuit of Lebanon
$1,000.00 - The Society to Eradicate Leprosy in Beirut, Lebanon.
$7,600.00 - Total
$3,000-00 - Via the Bethlehem Association to the poor and needy Christians in Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour.
$3,000.00 - Via The Voice of the Martyrs.
$6,000.00 - Via St. Vincent de Paul in Damascus to be distributed to 25 families @ $20.00 per month, per family for one year.
$11,000.00 - Via the Salvation Army for Hurricane Katrina victims.
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves...Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. " (Romans 12:9-14)